Chemistry of Acid Activated Bleaching Earth
Acid Activated Bleaching Earth are manufactured from high-purity bentonite (more correctly called montmorillonite) by acid leaching.

Bentonite is an alumino-silicate material, consisting of alumino-silicate sheets with some substituion of the intra-layer aluminium atoms, eg. with iron and magnesium, resulting in negative charged sheets. The negatively charged sheets are balance by hydrated cations in the interlayer.

The action of the acid on the raw bentonite alters the nature of the sheets and the interlayer cations, and may be represented as shown.

Properties of StarBriteTM
Higher Bleachability
Lower OFT
Lower Oil Retention
Appropriate Moisture Content
Controlled Bulk Density
Controlled Residual Acidity
Quality Management System
Certified by Bureau Veritas
as per ISO 9001 : 2008